
Monday, May 11, 2009

Link Love #1

I have come across so many wonderful cool and funky links on the web lately I thought I would share. Thus comes into creation the first Link Love: Links to things I love. Every Second Week I shall be linking to things/people/photos/blogs I have found on the internet that I love. Alternative Week will be Love and Lust Haves :)

Lets get started shall we!

Sea of Ghosts: [Link]
One of the many Australian bloggers I have come across and subsquently followed this week via RSS and Twitter. Her post last friday of Eye Candy [Link] had me gasping aloud! Also she is another Miss! So Automatically Awesome

Run by the lovely Penelope this post [Link] on Tutus made me squeal with glee (literally) and cursing my lack of funds to buy tulle! Expect a Tutu in next weeks Love and Lust Haves

Got An Envelope:
Gotanenvelope is a continuous art project where people leave empty self-addressed stamped envelopes in public places to be picked up and filled by others, who then send them back" Such an array of random and interesting stuff.

Free Rice:
Free Rice is a website I came across at my last work place. Its a vocabulary tester and every time you get a word right 10 Grains of rice are donated to the UN to help end world hunger. Great project and extremely addictive if you are a word nut like me!

Crayon Physics:
is a really cool simple and fun game that makes you think in very interesting ways. Quite Similar to Fantastic Contraption but simpler in execution. Has a free downloadable demo with enough levels to get you hooked! Based on Physics but you dont have to be a genuis to play!

Top 10 things you Mama inadvertatently taught you about sex by Em & Lo:
This made me Lol aloud and then read it to my Mum and My Sister!. You can find more of Em & Lo here: [Link] Fun and Funny :)

Nest Unclutterer:
Anyone who uses twitter knows the feeling of having random people follow you not because they are interested in You but because they want you to be interested in the,. Nest Unclutterer uses criteria used by you to help weed out the spammers following you and make your Twitter list neater and less filled with spammers and bots! Easy to use and makes sures you dont unfollow or block someone by accident with a series of fail safes! Of course this halfed the people following me but at least those following me now are genuine followers!

Once Sentence:
One Sentance is a website dedicated to telling stories in a single sentance. By turns heartbreaking, breath taking and always worth the time it takes to read only one sentance.

Agent Provocater photoshoot:
[Link] (NSFW)
This photoshoot set at Foto Decadent by Agent Provocater. Probably not NSFW but it is Gorgeous complex and very sexy! Take the time to drink in all the details

Angela See Angela Blog:
Gorgeous blog by Angela who not only blogs about fashion, she creates it as seen here with this gorgeous skirt [Link]
Also check out her post on the Wizard of Oz window display complete with photos of the drool worthy shoes and Angela in a cute pair of slippers!

Thats it from me today. What have you found around the net that you love this week/month/year/life time? Share with me!!

Love and Obsessions

  • Miss Addict


  1. Aww thanks for linking me, adorable blog you have hehe!




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