
Monday, February 22, 2010

Geek Style: Alice in Wonderland Inspiration.

Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland opens March 5. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. As a kid I loved the movie and books and seeing as Tim Burton is one of my favourite movie Directors of all time the combination is just to delicious. The early trailers look amazing, filled with bright colour and a new take on the story which is what we have come to expect from Mr. Burton. Said to be an “extentension” of the original books Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (by which I assume Mr. Burton has taken liberties with the story) it promises to be a gorgeous visual feast at the very least!
So I decided to do an Inspired Style Post based on how I would dress as some of the characters from Alice in Wonderland!

I never really liked Alice all that much. Especially in the disney movie I found her to be vapid, whiney and just rather.. well annoying! If I was going to dress as Alice (and a grown up version that Mr. Burton is portraying) this is how I would do it! Alice is said not to quite fit into victorian society so why not go all out. Blue and White are obviously Alices Signature colours are blue and white so I continued that theme + a more grown up version of her little black shoes.
Alice is being played by 19 year old Australian Mia Wasikowska.
The White Rabbit:

Poor Rabbit. Always in a hurry. The guy needs a holiday. Obviously needed to go with a theme of White. The quintessential pocket watch, ultimate accessory for a time poor bunny. The Red Jacket is also essential as in all the pictures (new and old) of the White Rabbit he is pictured in a red coat. A bag to hold all the important documents a Rabbit who works for a Crazy Queen could need, Comfy flats for being on the run and the ruffle just for fun!
The White Rabbit is voiced by Michael Sheen best known for his role as Lucian in Underworld.
Cheshire Cat:

The Cheshire Cat was always my favourite! Crazy, Fun and Brightly coloured! Whats not to love! I went all out with the crazy colours on this one and trust me if I could afford this outfit I would wear it often!!! Pink and Purple are the colours of the Cheshire cat to me (no matter what Tim Burton has done and made him blue...) The necklace is actually an official piece of merchandise but I think the Cat himself would wear his own merchandise.. don't you? This look obviously requires dual coloured nails, purple and pink eyeshadow and cats eye eyeliner!
The Cheshire Cat is being voiced by Stephen Fry. One of my All Time Favourite Actors! *Squee*
Mad Hatter:

After the Cheshire Cat, The Mad Hatter was next in my affections (followed by The Caterpillar) Mental, Mad and a Bit Silly. The Mad Hatter always stole the show for me. The Tim Burton version is said to have more depth and polish (what else would we expect)
So I decided to go classy with this look. Still mad but more cohesive than you would expect the actual Mad Hatter to dress. Corset, Latex leggings topped with Bright Makeup (Lime Crime Lipstick Featured here) would be a must as well as of course Tea Cups! These feature butterflies as the handle which I thought was just to fitting!
The Mad Hatter is being played by Johnny Depp
The Red Queen:

Poor Queenie. So much anger and stress. I never had any strong feeings about her as a child (Really couldn’t blame her for not liking Alice as I didn’t either) but she offers some rather fun wardrobe choices! Rose Pattered Skirt as a reference to Painting the roses red, the Playing cards ring, I love Revenge (reference to “Alice has Returned to Wonderland) I carried the pattern through to the shoes. Red Nail and Lipstick of course. A Queen must Scream “Cut of Their Heads” in style after all.
The Red Queen is played by Helena Bonham Carter
Other people in the film of note include Anne Hathaway as The White Queen, Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar, and Matt Lucas as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Crispin Glover as the Knave of Hearts.
Are you excited peoples? How would you dress as the characters? Comment and let me know your thoughts on the upcoming Alice in Wonderland Movie by Tim Burton.
Love and Obsessions
Miss Addict

Saturday, February 20, 2010

iPhone Addiction

I am obsessed with my iPhone. Utterly completely totally rabidly dreadfully obsessed with my iPhone. To the point where if I cant put my hands on it in 3.2 seconds I start to get nervous. Cant find it in under 30? Full blown panic stations. If it hasn’t been found in 2 minutes I’m comatose... I wish that was hyperbole... but its honestly not.

It dies in a couple of hours with heavy use which means I am practically tied to a power point where ever I go, that bell sound makes certain people in my life twitch and that the fact I can hear the alerts through walls is probably unhealthy... But for the convenience of being able to look up who sang that song for the 80’s that goes “bop bop do bop” without it driving me mental until I get home and google it (or having to ring my Mum at 2am) I think its a fair trade.

The more I think about it the more I realise I am obsessed with the convenience that the iPhone offers more than with the iPhone itself. The sheer ease of being as a friend of mine puts it “Plugged In”

I don't write things down anymore. Everything is saved in my phone. Dates, Birthdays, Blog Ideas my Routine and Stats at the gym. Everything. Its backed up on 2 computers just in case as well. My whole life is on that phone (Yes its backed up!)

I am addicted to the convenience of being able to access information everywhere and anywhere. The convenience of being able to connect to the internet, to look up directions, movie times, that song from the 80’s, names, my bank balance, in a very real sense everything I could ever want or need to know is at my fingers tips. Its a habit that started with texting. Being able to let my Mum know I wouldn't be home for dinner and once I got an iPhone it spiraled into being able take my entire digital life with me wherever I go!

Until I got my MacBook (yes I am officially that friend.. the Mac Friend) I hadn’t turned my PC on except to blog, add music to my iphone or use photoshop in months! My Email, web browsing, transferring money, and pretty much everything else that a PC can do my iPhone can do too. Everything I needed was done on the shiny piece of technology that I can carry with me everywhere and fits into the palm of my hand.

When speaking to a friend and fellow Mac devotee he pointed out that this is the case with most people. An iPhone fulfills the basic computing needs for the majority of people. Think about it. What do you use your computer for most of the time? Checking Email? Internet Banking? Browsing the Net? Catching up on news and current affairs? Chatting to friends on MSN? I can do all that from my phone and it fits in my pocket, it can come on the train with me, It plays music, Unlike my laptop I don't have to be sitting down to use it. Mac has created a product that has plugged me into the world where ever I am! Its fiendish because it works. Im so used to the utter super ease of it that I don’t want to give it up.

I am not the alone in this, Apple has sold around 17 million iPhones (estimated to be more like 23 million) and over 1 Billion Apps have been downloaded! . Several of my friends own iPhones and we can sit and geek out over the latest app together for ages while our friends who don't have them roll their eyes and point out that we are obsessed. Either that or like my cousin beg me to let them play with mine. I have had conversations with complete strangers that started with ‘Do you have that App” or “Is that the 3G or the 3GS” iPhone.

Gen Y is the most addicted generation ever and I fully admit to being addicted (duh). The question is is this healthy? Should we be trying to cut back on this addiction to technology and information? Is this entitlement to access information wherever we go a good thing? Reporting is now 24 hours I cant help but wonder does the accuracy suffer because we demand answers now? Does more access mean more knowledge? Does it mean quality or just quantity? What would happen if we suddenly didn't have access? In the case of social media iPhone and some other phones such as googles Android have meant that we now have geo tagging on things like twitter posts (if enabled). What does that mean for privacy? I don't have answers to any of these questions but I do wonder. With so many hours in the day are we giving up anything to fill up time to spend our iPhones tweeting, blogging etc or was this time just being wasted? is there just such a thing as wasted time?

I dont know the answers to any of those questions and any of those questions could for a whole blog post on their own (maybe at a later date) but until then I know that I am unlikely to go back to owning something else. I really like owning a phone that is as convenient, intuitive and plain nifty as an iPhone and Unless someone else makes something that works better its looking like I am an iPhone girl for life I think

So what about you lovely people? Do you own an iPhone? Are you addicted to it? Is it merely a tool for you? Could you go back to a regular phone? Let me know if I am the only iPhone Addict!

Love and Obsessions

Miss Addict

Monday, February 15, 2010

Link Love #7

Photo By Miss Addict

Already Pretty is a constant of awesome. Sal is not only a brilliantly stylish lady but writes really brilliant pieces on body image, self esteem and how fashion interacts with our daily lives. Also she is a big geek and thus has my undying love forever more! I love her particularly helpful piece on belting which I am going to be having a go at ASAP cause I am still stumbling around in the dark there!
Sociological Images is one of my favourite blogs. Im a serious Sociological geek and am in fact looking in going to Uni to study it later this year. This blog points out so many of the things that I miss in daily life and makes me giggle at advertising on a constant basis because its utterly crazy maddening. Eye opening and Geeky in a whole new way!
Lick My Cupcakes: Regular feature here Em from lick my cupcakes went to Disney Land Tokyo! OMG! Its amazing! I stared at those pictures for ages and ages! Gorgeous and utterly child tantrum inducing. I WANNA GO NOW!
Tres Lola is a great blogger I have been following for awhile. This piece is one I am definetely going to be referring to cause I have the work blues! Go read then come back Il wait!
595 Apparently or 2380 Slices... Crazy! Interesting video of someone with way to much time of their hand who spent that time figuring it out!

A Really cool idea via a new blogger I found through twitter. Check out the other posts on this blog as they are all really interesting! Victa has a really nifty view of social media and the internet :) Rather enjoying following him on twitter too I must say :)

What are you loving and linking this week? Share your links in the comments pretty please!

Love and Obsessions
Miss Addict

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What I Wore - Valentines Day

Photos by Miss Addict
Valentines day is one of those holidays you either love hate or ignore. Personally I half celebrate it. Dress up and have some fun. So here is what I wore to go see a movie, have dinner and enjoy my day.

  • Romantic Girl T-Shirt from Firefly
  • Tulle Skirt by Anise
  • Tights from Target
  • Pyramid Detail Sandals by Giovanna
  • Pandora Bracelet filled with Charms with lovely memories.
  • Tiny Top Hat from Dangerfield attached to my headband.
What about you lovely? Do you love Valentines? Hate it? Or Ignore it?

Love and Obsessions
Miss Addict

Thursday, February 11, 2010

9 Reasons why I unfollowed you on twitter.

I spend a fair amount of time on twitter (or at least reading tweets in my twitter client) and I love following interesting people. It gives me a happy tingle to get replies from new followers and I love having ongoing conversations with people. I follow some awesome people and refer to these people in conversations by their twitter names as if they were their actual names.

When it comes to following people however I am pretty picky, I won’t just follow people who follow me. I don’t tend to follow celebrities, and if I do follow you and you do any of the 9 things listen below I will unfollow you pretty darn quick!

1.You Exceed the 140 Character Limit with Frequency.

I really hate when people I follow tweet something over multiple tweets. If you have to use more than say.. 2 tweets to say what you want to write a blog post! Twitter is a SHORT medium and when I have to read 4-12 tweets to get your point you are clearly missing missing it! Do this daily and the unfollow button is in your future!

2.You are only Tweeting to plug your own website/blog.

I love following bloggers and people who run their own websites but I loath it when I follow someone and all their posts are:

“Have a new blog post up check it out [Link]” or “Hey check out my latest product review here [Link]”

Twitter is about interacting and engaging with the community. Hell the reason I joined twitter was so I could follow my favourite bloggers.So sure let us know when you update your website/blog (I do) but post about your day, let me get to know you, that is why I followed you, If I want to know when you have updated i'll either check your website or my RSS feed!

3.You use hashags excessively.

Hashtagging is useful for following topics and contributing to the conversation on a specific topic but if your tweets look like this:

“OMG I just ate a waffle. #waffle #food #eating”

You clearly do not understand the point of hashtagging! Please google it and come back! Every time I see one of these tweets I grit my teeth and my finger hovers over the unfollow button.

4.You Nonstop Retweet (or only tweet to win free stuff)

Retweeting is one of my favourite ways of finding new people to follow, interesting things to read and great little one liners that make me literally laugh out loud. However if your whole feed reads is:

RT: @SomeoneElse

RT: @InterestingPerson

RT: @AGirlmoreinterestingthanME

with absolutely nothing in there from you (or very rarely anything from you) I am going to stop following you and start following them. I followed you because I thought you were interesting enough to give my time too. If you don’t post anything yourself its defeating the point just .. a lot. This also applies to incessant contest entry tweets as well.

5.Your Continuous Negativity.

Twitter is about tweeting your life, so some negativity is a given, my morning tweets are generally not filled with positivity and sunshine! Everyone has moments and days when everything just goes to crap. However when days and weeks worth of tweets amount to:

“Everything is crap. Seriously everyone around me just sucks!”

It gets very wearing and seeing huge amounts of negativity all the time is just is not why I use twitter. I used to feel guilty about doing this but realised that in my real life I try to surround myself with positive influences so my twitter experience shouldn't be any different!

6.Your tweets are completely indecipherable (or you swear like a sailor)

140 characters is limiting and sometimes resorting to chat speak is the only way to cut down a tweet enough to get it through. However when I have to spend 5 minutes deciphering what you are trying to say then it defeats the point of tweetng in the first place.

Tweets are supposed to be a quick communication tool and if it takes me longer than 30 seconds to get what you are trying to communicate the point is lost. Do it often enough and I will unfollow you to save myself the trouble.

Also huge amounts of swearing. I swear on occasion but gratuitous use of the “F” word is just annoying and when every tweet reads like friday night at the pub with bikies then it gets boring extremely quickly! Any use of the “C” word is also a instant unfollow!

7.You’re just not very interesting...

Being on twitter involves a certain amount of ego. I mean you have to believe people are going to want to follow you and be interested in your everyday happenings! Twitter is supposed to be fun and interesting. If you tweets don’t interest me I will stop following you.

I read 90% of the tweets of the people I follow. I reply to things that pique my curiosity or when I think I have something to add. I genuinely like all of the people I follow and interact with on a regular basis. If your tweets don't interest me, engage me or give me an idea of who you are then I am not going to keep following you.

I used to feel guilty about this one but realised that following someone I don't find interesting is silly and totally defeats the purpose of twitter! I wouldn't want someone to follow me just because they felt guilty about clicking a button!!!

8.You give just a little (or a lot) to much information.

I do not need to know you just went to the bathroom, that you have some sort of growth of your backside or that you and your partner are trying new stuff in bed! Twitter is a delicate balance of being Boring (Only tweeting about your breakfast and your cat) and tweeting everything. P. Diddys Mid Sex Tweet was WAY to much info and had I been following him I would of unfollowed him in a second. If your tweet makes me go “ewwww” and then not laugh I’m probably not going to keep following you for long!

9.You Tweet about how many followers you have.

This one is for people who do it on a daily basis.. sometimes more than once a day. When your goal on twitter is just to get followed it stops being about community and starts being a popularity contest. I follow few celebs, and a couple of high profile bloggers and webcomics artists, apart from that most of the people I follow are small time twitterers like myself who do it for fun. So if you start posting your numbers on a daily basis expect that number to go down by at least one because I don't want to just be a number in a herd!!!

What about you tweeple? What makes you unfollow people? Do you feel bad about unfollowing people? Or do you blithely click that button and never look back?

For more on twitter check out my post "A Twitter over Twitter" [Here] and "10 Signs your addicted to Twitter"[Here]

Love and Obsessions
Miss Addict

Monday, February 8, 2010

Love and Lust Haves #8

[1] - [2] - [3]

[4] - [5] - [6]

[7] - [8] - [9]

  1. Fry Engineer Boots from Zappos. Have been lusting after these for ages. Seriously out of my price range for now but damn are they pretty!
  2. Tetris Bracelet from Livethislife777 etsy shop. I quickly get addicted to tetris every time I start playing again. Thus this bracelet absolutely perfect for me!
  3. Tulle Skirt from YesStyle. I lusting after a neutral/beige tulle skirt as I love my recently purchased black one. Love the Layers in this one!
  4. Cookie Monster Nom Nom Nom Shirt from 80’s Tees. Among the disturbing costumes there are some awesome t-shirts on this site like the Cookie Monster Shirt Pictured above.
  5. Radio Controlled Dalek from Minotaur. I saw this when I was in the physical store in Melbourne and barely resisted buying. So much awesome. As a massive Dr Who Fan this is definitely on my Love List!
  6. Hand made laptop sleeve from fantellas etsy shop. My new Baby Aphrael a 13 inch macbook pro needs protecting and while her current sleeve works its not very stylish. This gorgeous sleeve will do the job perfectly I think!
  7. Agent 99 Pocket Maxi Dress from General Pants. I have had my eye out for a basic maxi dress in black that doesn’t break the bank and this one fits the bill. May soon be an own not a lust and love!
  8. iPad from Apple. No need just want! Everything Apple does makes me want. I simply want to play with the iPad. Though seriously guys get a girl on your design team cause the name is a disaster!!!
  9. Brighter Skies Umbrella from Mod Cloth. The most common accessory I have been carrying lately has been a plain black boring umbrella. I would much rather swap it with this lovely one from mod cloth!

How bout you lovely people? What are you loving and lusting over this week?

Love and Obsessions

Miss Addict.


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